Linux Basic Questions: Test Your Linux Skills – [Quiz 4]

Linux Trivia Quiz - Part 4
Linux Trivia Quiz – Part 4

Are you a Linux Guru? Or maybe just a newbie? Are you ready to show us how much you know about Linux? You can now put your knowledge to the test with TecMint’s quiz!

The quiz aims to make our readers show their knowledge and how much they have learned from TecMint. Every week we will be posting a new quiz with 10 different Linux related questions.

The questions will cover different aspects of the Linux world including – command lines, hardware architectures, shell scripting, Linux distributions, networking and others. As this is the fourth quiz we put on the site, we have decided to go a bit easy on you.

We have prepared 10 questions for you with predefined answers. You will have to choose the right one.

At first the questions may seem easy, but we promise to make things much harder with time. On the other hand, don’t worry if you don’t get all the answers right from the first time. After all, we are all here to learn.

You can take the quiz as many times as you wish and share your results with other Linux enthusiasts just like you! So are you ready to take on this challenge? Go ahead and take the TecMint Linux quiz below! Don’t forget to share your results and stay tuned for the upcoming quizzes!

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14 thoughts on “Linux Basic Questions: Test Your Linux Skills – [Quiz 4]”

      • Certainly, and thank you for responding;

        3) Which hardware architectures are not supported by Red Hat?
        The answer: “Macintosh” is wrong. Macintosh is not a hardware architecture, it’s a product line. The correct choices for architecture that is or has been used in Macintoshes might include Motorola 86000 (and variants), PowerPC, or x86 – all three of which have been used over the years. x86 CPUs are supported by Red Hat the others are not. Bad question and incorrect answer.

        Change “Macintosh” to “PowerPC” and you have a valid question and a correct answer.

        5) #!/bin/bash is commonly called as
        The question is flawed because their answer: “shebang” would be (only partially) correct if the question was about “#!” not “#!/bin/bash”. You could argue that including the interpreter (there are many) along with the shebang doesn’t disqualify the question, however “hashbang” is also correct so the answer is incorrect regardless. Both “shebang” and “hashbang” are acceptable as are pound-bang and hash-pling

        Change the answer to “Both a and b” and the question to “#!” and you have a better question and a correct answer.

        8) What command is used to add printing jobs to the queue?
        I see you already corrected this one. The original “lpq” was incorrect because lpq is the print queue status command. “lpr” adds print jobs to the print queue.

        9) is the address of?
        This one might be just me, but I have never heard the term “Own Machine” and have no idea what it means. “Own Machine” sounds like you’re buying a PC on credit and you’ve paid it off or something.

        Change the answer to localhost, home, loopback, or current machine or even this machine. All would all be acceptable but localhost is the most correct in my opinion. Furthermore, knowing the term localhost would indicate a more knowledgeable respondent.

        10) Macintosh is a variant of?
        The answer: “Unix” is incorrect in at least two ways. First, “Macintosh” isn’t an operating system, it’s hardware, so it can’t be compared to Unix at all; an apples-to-oranges comparison (sorry, couldn’t resist the pun). Second, OS X – the current Macintosh OS, is based on BSD, not Unix. BSD is derivative of Unix, so maybe you could stretch that one – but only if you asked about OS X or one of the two other names Apple has used for their operating system (System and Mac OS).

        Either make the correct answer “Apple” – thus making it a trick question, since Macintosh is hardware, or change to question “The current Macintosh operation system” or more simply “OS X” and change UNIX to BSD for a more correct question/answer.

        • @Stuart,

          I really appreciate your suggestions, but the answers are taken from wiki and other sources on the internet and all of them are correct, except that print jobs to the queue question, which was our mistake and was corrected as per your suggestions in the last comment. Also as per your suggestions I changed to loopback for question 9 and added “#!” for 5th question.

          • You’re wrong. He’s right. “Macintosh” is NOT an architecture. It’s a software/hardware platform that uses the “PowerPC” architecture.

            But OK then. Sure. Keep the wrong answer if you want. Just because you saw it in a wiki doesn’t mean it was right.

  1. Go back to Guru school.

    * “lpr” is used to put a job in the queue. “lpq” gets the queue status.
    * In my circles both “shebang” and “hashbang” are used commonly.

    • @Andrew,
      Sorry, that was a mistake from us in selecting the answers, We’ve corrected the answers as you pointed and thanks for pointing out.

  2. Question 8/10 is incorrect. lpq shows print queue status while lpr adds files to the print queue. The guru’s may want to check their tests a little more closely before posting the next one.

    • @Alan,
      We’re sorry that was a mistake from us in selecting answers, we apologize for the mistake. We’ve corrected the answer in the quiz and thanks for pointing out..

  3. Fun, thanks, but…
    Macintosh is not a variant of Unix !!!!
    Macintosh is a computer made by Apple (and it is a PC (Personal Computer)).
    It used to run MacOS and now it runs OSX, which is based on BSD Unix.

    • @Anudeep,
      Sorry for delay, but we will soon publish the next parts of Java series, till then stay tuned to TecMint and thanks for your patience.


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